Brave. Bold. Beautiful. This is You.


What brings you here? You may be confused and wondering why your life right now is so different than what you imagined it would be. At times, you may even feel your life is spiraling out of control and you don’t know how to take it back.

How many of these situations feel familiar to you?

• You had some challenging childhood experiences, and these have carried over into your adult relationships. You have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. It seems you are repeating the same pattern over and over- toxic, unhealthy, unfulfilling, maybe even unsafe.
• You avoid situations, places, and people that remind you of a traumatic event you experienced. Sometimes you feel disconnected from your body, or you are reeling from an emotional roller coaster ride. 
• You expected your partner to love, respect and support you. You wanted someone who would raise you up, not put you down. To not inflict physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, sexual, or financial harm.
• You walk on eggshells, doing everything to avoid upsetting your partner, even if it means ignoring your own needs.
• You feel trapped in a relationship that does not seem to be getting any better. You are blamed for everything. You experience negative comments and insults no matter what you do. Yet there are just enough good days that you think maybe your partner has changed.
• You have devoted many years to your partner, but something doesn’t feel right, something is missing, and you are exploring ending the relationship. Or, maybe trying one more time.
• You are the caregiver of a child or teen who witnessed a traumatic event such as domestic violence and are concerned about the negative impact it is having on them. Your parenting approach may no longer be effective and your relationship with them has become more difficult.
• You find yourself needing to start all over again because of a divorce, or a death, or the end of a long-term relationship. It’s a scary time for you and there are so many paths to choose.
• You are at a crossroads in your life for any number of reasons and are looking to find a new direction that helps you connect with the “real” you.
• You feel uncertain of even who you are any more. You want you back.

Do I hear “Yes” or maybe even a “Hell, yes!” to one or more of these situations? Do I also hear you say, “But what can I do?” Do you find you are stuck between the pain of the present and the fear of the future? Do you sway between determination and defeat?

I will help you get unstuck.

I am a trauma-focused therapist with expertise in interpersonal violence, domestic abuse, relational trauma, and attachment challenges.

I offer a safe, non-judgmental space for you to access your strengths and create an extraordinary future for yourself. 

Using a variety of evidence-based therapeutic approaches that will help you achieve your goals, I will help you figure out the “what” as well as the “why” behind your relationship, attachment, or transition concerns.

“Fire can warm or consume, water can quench or drown, wind can caress or cut. And so it is with human relationships: we can both create and destroy, nurture and terrorize, traumatize and heal each other.” 
― Dr. Bruce D. Perry

I will ask you tough questions, challenge your thoughts, and encourage you to look at your core beliefs. I will share observations, help increase your knowledge and awareness of issues close to you, offer possible solutions, and assist you with “trying on” new behaviors. 

But I will not force or require you to do anything you don’t want to do. That is not my role. You are the expert in your own life. I am here to help you find what works for you. My hope is that you will leave each therapy session feeling emboldened, empowered and ready to face your fears head-on. To create a life you love.

Change is not easy, of course. In fact, it will be one of the bravest things you will ever do. The real change comes in the time between our sessions. You will boldly go into the world with new skills that you have learned and use them in life. I will be your guide, your support, and your champion to help you make and maintain those changes.

Are you ready to live your new beautiful life?

You are just a click or call away from taking the next step. I offer tele-therapy services for people living in New Jersey or Nevada. Unfortunately, if you are not a resident of those states, and physically located there for your sessions, I am not able to serve you at this time.

I offer a free consultation so that I can learn more about you and your goals. It’s never too soon to start your healing journey.